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  • Need a Pair of Sunglasses? How to Choose a Pair of Good Fitover Sunglasses For Shorsighted!
    The Idea of Fitovers( Cover Spectacle):According to research, 據統計,全世界15億人口有近視問題,艷陽高照的現代,如何在戴近視眼鏡狀況下,同時保護眼睛、隔離紫外線等有害光線成為重要議題。套鏡式太陽眼鏡因此誕生,此種眼鏡可讓近視族群直接配戴太陽眼鏡,也被稱為:套鏡、掛鏡、偏光套鏡,及套鏡式太陽眼鏡等。如下圖,此種眼鏡可在配戴近視眼鏡的狀況下,直接配戴太陽眼鏡。如需了解更多款式,請點擊連結:https://www.tc-glasses.com/pl515919.html套鏡式太陽眼鏡之種類:同時,也因為套鏡式太陽眼鏡的便利性,廠商陸續開
  • Left, Right side, what’s the correct side you are talking about of my sunglasses?
    Do you have the same problem? Always confused, while the optometrist is talking about the right or left hand side? Do not be worry, this is not that complex question, this is no reason but just a rule in the sunglasses field. The right or left hand side was decided, after you wearing the glasses on.

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